Top 4 safety equipment that any laboratory must have

Safety has been an all-ages concern for any industry, especially in manufacturing and chemical industries where dangerous agents could occur and go out of control at any moment. Therefore, people have come up with labour protective gear that acts as the last or first layer of protection, depending on the context of the incident. These safety gears and protocols will then be tested and popularised within the field and become the industry standard. Facilitating other indirect benefits like being widely recognised by the industry, consistent productivity, or reputation reinforcement. For instance, if a laboratory equipment Malaysia provider applied and passed the certification of ISO 17025, an industry internationally recognised standard, then it will be considered reliable and its products will then be applicable for many uses. 

Safety goggles

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The human eye is one of the most sensitive and prone to damaged organs, any kind of hazardous gases, liquid droplets, or even light could cause catastrophic effects on its health. Thus, wearing proper eye protection gear is crucial for any lab safety protocols. Choosing the right and suitable eye protection is essential before any lab experiment or daily tasks. Despite a variety of protection features upon normal eyewear, chemical splash with UV protection goggles are highly recommended for those who have to work in with chemicals or under extreme light conditions. 

Eyewash stations

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Even though people have to wear proper eye protection gear, there is still a chance for a safety breach of the gear. The potential dangers could come from both the chemical in question and the protecting gear itself. In these cases of chemicals or broken glasses getting in or around people’s eyes, they must wash or be supported to wash out any alien objects off their eyes immediately to avoid the risks of chemical burns, blindness, infections, or other forms of permanent damage. Therefore, eyewash stations are predominant among other safety gear as they will prevent further incidents by removing or easing the main source of damage. Labs should install multiple eyewash stations across the facility to facilitate convenient access in urgent situations. 

Lab coats

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This is the foundation of all foundations and the trademark to identify anyone who has to work in labs or similar environments. However, lab coats are more than just a fashion item or an identification mark, they also protect against hazardous chemicals. In case of chemical spillage, these long white coats will provide a cover layer between people and the chemical in question. Preventing it from contacting people’s skin. However, since the coat is made from absorbent material to collect the spilled chemical and stop it from spraying on the surrounding area. The coat after absorbing the spillage should be promptly removed. Additionally, for effective protection, the lab coat when worn should always remain buttoned. 

Safety showers

laboratory equipment Malaysia

In case the chemical breaches through your lab coat and makes contact with your skin, it is paramount that people promptly rinse away the substances. Making a safe shower facility the next vital safety component any lab should have. After people remove and discard the contaminated clothes, they will have to reach out to the closest safety shower and pull an overhead handle to drench the body with water. This will help prevent the damage from developing as the water will dilute and wash away the chemical in question, avoiding prolonged chemical exposure.