What is SAP Analytics Cloud?

What is SAP Analytics Cloud?

The SAP Analytics Cloud solution combines analysis and planning with integration into SAP applications and access to heterogeneous data sources. As a planning and analytics solution within the SAP Business Technology Platform. SAP Analytics Cloud supports trusted insights and integrated planning processes across the enterprise to make unambiguous decisions.

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Benefits of SAP Analytics Cloud

Efficient decision-making via mobile devices

With SAP Analytics Cloud, critical business decisions are no longer made in the boardroom. The software empowers users to stay one step ahead by giving managers access to business-related data wherever they are. Additionally, it provides collaboration tools within easy reach of all team members to make effective business decisions.

Trained staff

With this solution, all team members have the access they need at any time. With this ability, they can have peace of mind in every decision they make. They can also view historical data and examine trends to improve and optimize business responses to make better decisions in the future.

Collaboration workflow

SAP Analytics Cloud integrates collaborative work processes to empower every member of your organization to participate in improving assets and overall productivity. Also, due to the mobility of the platform, anyone can work on their jobs to avoid any interruptions during the work process.

Machine Insights

With SAP Analytic Cloud, you don’t have to work to gain massive amounts of insights. Consequently, the platform creates them from the information it receives from its associated and synchronized applications. You can certainly find data behind your KPIs and gain insights to make smarter decisions.

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Significant Features of SAP Analytics Cloud

Augmented Analytics

SAP Analytic Cloud enables companies to leverage analytics powered by artificial intelligence (AI) by providing advanced analytic capabilities. The solution has a “Search to Insight” feature that allows users to use the platform without any previous data science training or experience.

Innovative information technologies make it easy for companies to visualize data without much manual effort . SAP Analytic Cloud integrates three machine learning algorithms to automate predictive analytic and provide deep insight into secure data to help improve business governance.

Enterprise Management

SAP Analytic Cloud is a comprehensive financial planning and analytics (FP&A) solution that enables organizations to achieve strategic alignment across all departments. The platform empowers organizations to make better end-to-end planning decisions with powerful built-in innovative capabilities, including financial modeling, automated reporting, allocations, and intelligent insights.

In addition, with the By leveraging built-in Collaboration technologies, the zero-based budgeting feature enables organizations to allocate resources more effectively. This way, when it comes to costs and revenues, the entire finance team benefits, enabling unanimity and improved budget templates.

End – to-end solution

SAP Analytic Cloud is a fast data management and analytic solution based on SAP’s only in-memory database powered by the SAP Cloud Platform. Running on a cloud platform and an S/4HANA in-memory database, the solution can combine, process and analyze data in real-time to provide relevant information to all users.

This provides real-time or fact-based insights to users across the organization, enabling them to make better decisions at every stage. The time required to process the analysis can be significantly reduced due to the speed of S/4HANA’s unique data collection architecture. The digital transaction rate is much more evident for companies using SAP products across the board.