Preparation for med school


medical degree malaysia

Now that the academic intakes have begun, many students out there would possibly be preparing themselves both physically and mentally before entering their college or uni. This process can be extremely tedious and overwhelming at the same time. So here I am going to list down the preparation that you can do before enrolling and this is particularly for those who are about to enter med school. Yes you read that right, listed below are the tips and preparation methods that you can follow in pursuing medical degree Malaysia. 

How to Prepare for a Medical Career

Before enrolling 

  1. Get all the necessary items needed

Find out as early as you can if you need to purchase a stethoscope, lab coat, and occasionally a pocket mask because these are medical schools most  distinct requirements. I mean you wouldn’t want to show up to med school without proper supply don’t you. If you know any seniors who are studying in the same institution, inquire what are the books that would be used for the beginning semesters. This is because we would need to purchase certain books on our own and the university does not provide it. You could use the time you have to actually get the books needed. 

2. Don’t overly stack on your books and revision materials before entering 

Oftentimes, you are able to get a certain book for half price from your seniors so buying and stocking up books for all the semester can be a waste of money. Prepare yourself only for the beginning semester and you will eventually figure it out slowly as you enter. I know this might sound underprepared but trust me you would resort to even better alternatives once you have entered. Who knows, you might even get some for free from your lecturers 

3. Inquire all the important details 

While you are in your registration process, inquire about all the important details to the Bachelors degree’s management. This includes information like when you need to enter, the fee processions and other important details. Do make sure that you have paid at least the minimum amount of the required fee before entering lectures. The failure of not paying fees might even result in you not having the opportunity to attend lectures. Don’t forget to also ask about the scholarship details (if they have) and also the loan details. 

After enrolling 

  1. Decide on your specialization

Once you have entered, take your time and focus on the lectures and hands-on training. While you are at it, try to decide and identify which specification you enjoy doing the most. This will make sure that you are really prepared for what you like to do and what you are about to do. Examples of specifications are surgery, orthopedic, pediatrics and also maternity needs. If necessary ask around and inquire with your seniors and lecturers to get a clearer picture about the fields and specifications in medicine. 

7 Ways To Prepare for Medical School During College | SGU

2. Decide on your study strategies 

While some people prefer studying alone, some people also prefer studying in groups alongside with their friends and this totally depends on the individual themselves so make sure you identify and develop a study schedule according to it. Make notes and revise on a particular subject or topic based on how you prefer to do it because at the end of the day only you yourself know what works for you. This would mean that you would go through a few try and error practise but it would be worth it in the end. 

Now that you know what and what to prepare for your med school prep be sure to utilize it to see good results in your journey through med school. Good luck !